Thought Leadership Through Authorship

What We Do

Books Of Change is a new nonprofit that aims to grow the movement by creating more high-impact advocates — thought leaders for specific audiences that we want to influence.We do this through facilitated authorship and book publishing, and the long-term marketing and promotion of the books and their authors to the audiences they are targeting.We create more advocates who are credible and accepted as “their own” by the audiences they are seeking to influence. More advocates: more talent, more funding, more change in attitudes and behavior.

How We Create Value

Audience-First Focus: To maximize impact, we identify and target specific influential audiences with suitable authors and titles that can have traction with that audience.Talent & Content Development: To release impactful titles that create new thought leaders, we find and develop talent and assist with content development, from high-level editorial to hands-on ghostwriting depending on author’s needs.Full-Cycle Promotional Engine: We build the marketing platforms for authors, handle media relations, interviews, advertising, and ongoing marketing of titles and authors to create lasting success with target audiences.Direct Publisher Relations: We work with publishers to ensure they are ready to acquire and promote our titles and authors. We are opportunistic with non-traditional publishing where it can better serve impact. (We’ll work with agents, too.)

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